Common Meclizine Side Effects

Despite widespread use of meclizine, no significant meclizine side effects have been reported.

Common Meclizine Side Effects

The reason for this may be related to long-term use and low dosage. Likeliness score: D (risk to the individual). The possible risks associated with meclizine use may include the following:

Some people are allergic to meclizine, so meclizine side effects are inevitable. The most common cause of an allergic reaction to meclizine is a reaction to its metabolite, methylphenidate. Since meclizine is a stimulant drug, it can produce symptoms of hyperactivity, nervousness, tremors, irritability, agitation, insomnia, nausea, dizziness, depression and even suicidal thoughts.

There are some people who react to meclizine side effects by developing depression or mania. In order to determine the cause of these negative mood changes, the patient may have to undergo counseling sessions. In addition to the depression, other meclizine side effects that can occur include anxiety, hallucinations, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, aggression and violent behavior.

Some patients can develop an allergy to meclizine. This can be caused by several factors including medications taken to treat certain conditions like diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease and heart disease. Other causes of an allergy to meclizine include medications used to treat depression, anticholinergic drugs and those used to treat migraine headaches. A further possibility for an allergy to meclizine is an exposure to the chemical in certain chemicals or medical procedures.

Some meclizine side effects can also be due to liver function. Meclizine can affect the activity of the liver and cause symptoms of jaundice. Jaundice, a serious liver disease, is a serious side effect that can lead to death if left untreated. Liver failure can also lead to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Common Meclizine Side Effects

This makes meclizidine use dangerous to those suffering from liver disease.

Some meclizine side effects are not related to any underlying illness or condition. These can include weight loss, hair loss, drowsiness, muscle weakness, skin rash and stomachache, headache, decreased libido, increased appetite, and loss of energy.

Meclizine side effects are rarely dangerous. But these side effects are still serious, especially in combination with other drugs or medications that you are taking. To avoid these meclizine side effects, you should avoid taking meclizine together with other drugs such as stimulants like cough medicines, alcohol, caffeine, ephedrine and other medication that contain epinephrine.

It is also important to report any strange or unusual feeling to your doctor if you notice any meclizine side effect. If you notice any of these signs or symptoms, you should immediately consult your doctor.

If there is no apparent cause for these symptoms, you should still report this to your doctor so that he can look into whether there is a more serious cause or illness causing them. There are many minor side effects that could be related to the drug.

In rare cases, the drug itself can cause cancer, heart attack or stroke. These are mainly because the drug is very strong and can produce a high blood pressure that can cause the heart to work harder than it normally would. In rare cases, it can also cause brain damage.

Another dangerous side effect of meclizine is the possibility that it can cause the liver to work overtime. This can result in a buildup of calcium in the blood, which can make the kidney function more difficult. In this case, if you experience some problems with your kidneys, it may be wise to stop taking meclizine and go for a normal amount of medication.

In rare cases, meclizine can also cause allergic reactions. These can range from skin rashes to anaphylactic shock.

It is very important to notify your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms. By being able to report a side effect to your doctor, you can help your doctor to diagnose a more serious problem. This will allow your doctor to prescribe a more effective medication, which can avoid further complications or to treat the underlying cause of the problem.

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