Home Remedies For Sinus Headaches

The symptoms and signs of sinus headache (also known as sinusitis), when they do resemble those of a regular headache, can be very similar.

Home Remedies For Sinus Headaches

But they need not make you faint or make you throw up. They simply signal the beginning of an attack.

As soon as you feel a pain in your cheekbone, bridge of the nose or any of the other areas of the face, this is where the symptoms start and usually it takes more than a moment for them to intensify. These attacks, unlike those of an ordinary headache, are usually accompanied by nausea or vomiting. However, unlike an ordinary headache, they last longer than a few minutes and you might be forced to lie down in order to give yourself enough breathing room to recover.

A sinus headache is different from a headache caused by a cold or flu. It generally does not result from the breakdown of any chemical, and it is often accompanied by some pain in your cheekbone.

If you have had a sinus headache before, then you know what it feels like. If you have never had one, then you will probably be surprised at how acute it is. Your head feels like it is filled with sand and you are very tired. There is a definite ache in your head and you might start getting chills.

Sinus pressure is usually caused by congestion and sometimes by mucus draining away from the sinuses.

Home Remedies For Sinus Headaches

When this mucus builds up and causes pressure, the pressure causes a sinus headache.

A sinus headache does not usually get better on its own. You may need to take over the counter medications in order to relieve yourself of the pain, or to treat the pressure in your head. Sometimes a nasal spray can also be used to get relief. Some people with severe cases of sinus headache will have to wear a mask so that their sinuses do not get affected.

There are many home remedies that can help reduce the symptoms of a sinus headache. A warm bath or a warm drink or juice can help you relax. When the pain gets too severe, it can even be a good idea to take an aspirin to relieve the pressure on your head.

Sinus headache can be very debilitating, and if you have never had one before, you might want to seek medical advice before you begin to suffer. You might just discover that you are in need of another medication to relieve your headache.

There are many home remedies available to alleviate the pain associated with a sinus headache. If you are suffering, then try to take an ice cube and putting it inside of a cup of water.

Keep it there for twenty to thirty seconds, then slowly move it out with a cold compress on your face.

Home Remedies For Sinus Headaches

The ice will help to reduce the inflammation in your head. After about five minutes, you will notice that the pain is lessened.

Another home remedy that can help relieve pain from a sinus headache is to take a half a lemon and place it in your mouth and suck on it. This helps reduce any inflammation in your sinuses.

Another great way to help ease your pain is to drink plenty of water. Not only is it good for your body, but it will also make you feel much better. You might even find that it makes your headache more bearable.

The great thing about drinking water is that it will keep your sinuses moist. When they are damp, this will help reduce the swelling that is often a result of a sinus headache. The salt content in water can help to relieve pain, especially in these areas.

There are also many different herbal treatments that can help relieve the pain of a headache. If you are experiencing chronic sinus headaches, you may want to try lavender, peppermint, or Rosemary.

These are some of the simplest and most basic things that you can do to help lessen the effects of a sinus headache. Once you get started, you will see that there is hope for the sinus headaches that you have been having.

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