What Are The Most Common Side Effects Of Losartan?

Losartan is a prescription form of Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB). It is a generic form of this medication available over the counter in the United States. The active ingredient is called losartan, and it is a beta-blocker that blocks the production of Angiotensin II in the body, which causes the high blood pressure (hypertension) commonly associated with this type of treatment. Read more about Losartan on https://www.edba.in.th/.

Angiotensin II, or the hormone which produces the chemical that is responsible for causing the blood vessels to harden and stiffen in response to pressure from the presence of cholesterol, is found naturally in the human body. It can cause hypertension when the Angiotensin II in the blood stream cannot get to a place where it needs to be, so the result is high blood pressure. The main cause of hypertension is high blood pressure in the arteries in the walls of the blood vessels that feed the heart, brain and other vital organs, and the most common way to treat high blood pressure is with medication, usually in the form of a type of ARB.

Common side effects

Like any other drug, there are many side effects with losartan, as well. The most common ones are constipation, diarrhea, and bloating. If you do experience side effects, talk to your doctor about ways to lessen the effects, or to stop taking the medication altogether. These are some of the most common side effects:

Diarrhea: Some people may notice diarrhea immediately after stopping losartan. Although this is the most common side effect, it is not life threatening. For mild diarrhea, there are many different brands and types of this medication on the market today.

Constipation: This symptom occurs less frequently, but is still a possibility. When taking losartan, some people may experience constipation that lasts for several days or even weeks. If this happens to you, see your doctor right away to avoid further complications. You should also avoid heavy meals and drinking lots of liquids because these foods slow down the emptying of the stomach.

Diarrhea: If you have diarrhea, try to avoid caffeinated drinks, especially coffee and sodas. Drinking plenty of water will also help.

There are other side effects, such as dry mouth and a loss of appetite, itching, that occur as well. If you experience dry mouth, that can happen as a result of the medicine or when you take it for a long time. Oral contraceptives are also an option to consider if these symptoms are a part of your condition.

Some of the more serious side effects include liver damage and ulcers. If you experience any of the above mentioned side effects, talk to your doctor about taking it. Your doctor can tell you if there is another more serious cause of the problem.

It is important to note that while losartan is used primarily for severe cases of diarrhea, it is not a cure for serious medical conditions. If you do experience a problem with the medicine, your doctor may recommend surgery. Also, it is important to note that it is possible to build up a tolerance for losartan and have worse side effects in the future.

These are just some of the side effects you can experience with taking this medication. Always discuss your symptoms with your doctor before taking any new medication.

If you feel you need to take losartan, talk to your doctor about possible side effects so that you know what to expect. While you may not experience every side effect, you can be assured that you are not alone when it comes to this condition.

Speak with your doctor

If you notice any of these side effects or any other serious problem, it is important to speak to your doctor about it as soon as possible. You don’t want to put yourself at risk for something more serious that you can get rid of without the help of a doctor. Are patient and talk to your doctor about your problem?

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