What is Mottled Skin?

Mottled skin is also known as livello reticularis.

What is Mottled Skin?

This type of skin is also known as macular dystrophy. This type of skin has irregular patches, blotches, and spots. It can also have an irregular marbled appearance, with several shades of colors in it. The patches are usually lighter than the rest of the skin.

This type of skin usually affects people who are around their thirties. These are called “mid-life mottling” cases. The skin usually becomes red or purple patches after some time, depending on the condition of the body. There is no specific treatment for this condition.

What is Mottled Skin?

In some cases, the affected person may not even notice he has mottled skin. However, there are some warning signs of mottled skin that could cause other problems.

The most common symptom of this condition is irregular pigmentation or spotting. The skin will either be very pale or very dark. There may be no color at all. When the body becomes more sensitive to the sun, there may be bluish tinted spots on the skin.

Some people with mottled skin develop dry skin or psoriasis. If the skin is not moisturized properly, there is the possibility of developing dermatitis or eczema.

A doctor may tell you that you have mottled skin because there are several factors that lead to this condition. These include aging, pregnancy, hormonal changes, and sun exposure.

What is Mottled Skin?

Other causes that may affect your condition are rheumatoid arthritis and eczema. Some types of skin tumors may also lead to mottled skin. Sometimes, the tumors to grow inside the body and they cause inflammation in the affected area.

Mottled skin usually goes away when the skin has reached a certain age. In fact, it can be seen that it begins to fade by the age of thirty or forty. However, if it is a severe case, there is a possibility that the skin will continue to fade until it disappears completely. It is very important to have the condition checked out so you can determine the reason why it is occurring.

Mottled skin can be treated in many ways. However, some people tend to ignore the problem because they think that it is not that serious.

What is Mottled Skin?

It should be given attention, because otherwise, it may lead to other complications.

If the mottled skin is very severe, it may need to be treated by a dermatologist. In some cases, he will be able to remove the affected area and repair the skin so that it becomes healthy again. However, the skin might still be scarred and the condition might become permanent.

Your doctor will probably explain to you the treatment options available. There are various types of cream that can be used to treat mottled skin. One of these is Retin-A cream. This cream contains retinol, which is similar to vitamin A. It helps to heal the skin.

What is Mottled Skin?

You must be sure, however, to follow the instructions of the cream because the dosage is based on the severity of the situation.

Other creams may be used to cover up the area. However, the cream may not last forever. Because the cream is temporary, it will only work until the next time the skin begins to fade.

Laser hair removal cream may also be used, although this may not be suitable for everyone. This type of cream involves the use of light rays to remove the mottled skin. These rays can be strong, but the process does not last too long.

Some doctors may recommend a surgery to get rid of mottled skin. However, this procedure is not always effective and may not be covered by insurance. In most cases, your doctor will suggest the use of one of the other treatment options.

If the mottled skin is not treated, it may become permanent. When it happens, it may become very hard to correct the problem.

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