Information About Tinea Corporis

Tinea Corporis is an infection caused by a fungus.

Information About Tinea Corporis

It is normally a reddish, itchy, round rash with very dry, scaly skin in the center. Ringworm, tinea capitis, jock itch and ringworm on the scalp are all forms of tinea corporis.

Tinea Corporis is most common in children and young adults because they are more likely to have a weak body’s immune system. Usually, tinea corporis appears suddenly in adults and children and goes away without treatment within a few weeks. However, if you have persistent tinea corporis symptoms, see a doctor right away. You may need to have the rash treated as well as the fungal infection eliminated.

Some people believe that tinea corporis is contagious from person to person, but this is not true.

Information About Tinea Corporis

If your child or you have a family member who has tinea corporis, they cannot pass it to other people.

Tinea corporis can become very painful, if it is not treated properly. However, you may be able to treat it yourself if you know how and have a lot of patience.

Tinea Corporis is usually mild to moderate itching and burning. This occurs most often when you scratch the affected area. You may find that the tinea corporis has gone and you can’t itch it. However, if you leave it untreated you may develop a form of secondary ringworm called tinea pedis.

Tinea corporis is generally not dangerous but should be seen by a doctor immediately. If left untreated it can cause severe itching, burning and crusting.

Information About Tinea Corporis

If the area is inflamed or scaly, you should visit a doctor for further treatment. If you have tinea corporis, you should also avoid using products that may irritate it such as soaps and perfumes.

In order to treat your tinea corporis, you should follow the doctor’s advice about the proper course of treatment. Don’t use any medication or home remedy that contains salicylic acid since this can make the condition worse. Instead, you should use a topical cream that contains tetracycline or azelaic acid. these are two drugs that kill the bacteria responsible for tinea corporis.

Information About Tinea Corporis

These are not good for treating tinea corporis.

Make sure to thoroughly read the labels before applying any skin care products that contain salicylic acid. Never ever use alcohol, detergents, lanolin or any form of bleach or chlorine on the affected area since these substances can destroy the natural oil on the skin and cause further irritation. If you suspect that your tinea has a type of fungus, don’t waste time and go see a doctor right away.

You may want to consider purchasing a good product for tinea corporis. The most effective treatment is a cream that contains erythromycin and tetracycline. These are topical treatments and do not require any prescription from a doctor. Although, it is best to consult a dermatologist for this treatment since he or she knows what they are looking for.

Information About Tinea Corporis

In addition, tetracycline is very expensive so you would not want to waste money on an over the counter medicine that doesn’t work.

Tinea corporis can be treated at home using the cream mentioned above. There are a variety of creams that have tetracycline and erythromycin contained in them. Make sure that you read the label carefully before you purchase any cream since some of these creams contain steroids, antibiotics or some other medicines.

Tinea corporis has many types of treatment available for it and you should try each one before making a decision. Some people suggest using olive oil, tea tree oil and honey to treat tinea corporis since these are known antiseptic ingredients. Another good product for tinea corporis is colloidal oatmeal.

It is important to note that tinea corporis is a very sensitive skin condition and is easily irritated by sunlight. Make sure that you keep your face covered when going outside in the sun because the sun is the major cause of irritation for tinea corporis.

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